Fall 2021 Newsletter

First Newsletter!

I hope this letter finds you healthy and well and possibly sporting your favourite fall sweater and slippers as we start to get cozy for the season. I cannot believe we are a few days into fall already and I have been at the practice for almost a month now. Before I dive in with some updates and information, I want to take an opportunity to congratulate Dr. Gaucher on an amazing 25 years at the helm of an incredible practice and also extend my sincerest thanks to all of you for being so welcoming with the leadership transition. Our team is working hard to make this transition as easy as possible for you and your continued patience with all of our Covid-19 protocols to help keep everyone safe is so appreciated.

Before I started at the practice, Dr. Gaucher told me how wonderful the patients were and everyday I leave the office (sometimes even before 8pm!) feeling energized and grateful because this is indeed the case. I am excited to meet you all in the months and years to come and look forward to being able to continue to positively contribute to your oral health and overall quality of life alongside Dr. Gaucher and the rest of the team.

I have a few things to share about the office in the next coming months:

PARKING—As you are aware, Victoria is growing and you have likely noticed the construction everywhere including near us. Starting Oct 1, the parking lot behind our building (off of Johnson) will be closed due to construction. There is a temporary lot at 1144 Johnson Street. Parking will be free for Victoria Professional Building visitors for two hours so please remember your license plate (or take a picture of it if you are like me) to validate your parking in the building lobby. Additional parking time can be purchased if needed. There is also free 2-hour street parking is located along Yates Street and Johnson Street. The only access to the building will be on the south side off of Yates. We understand this is an inconvenience and will keep you informed with updates/changes as we become aware.

Below is a link from the developer with a map and additional information

Please note that as of October 1, there will be changes to Victoria Professional Building Parking. For more information, click here

INTRODUCING NEW HYGIENIST & REINTRODUCTION OF CAVITRON USE—We are so excited to announce the addition of our new hygienist Samantha to our team. We have been looking for the right fit to join our team and we have found it. Samantha has over 9 years of experience in hygiene and is very excited to be putting down roots in Victoria. She is passionate about helping patients maintain a healthy mouth/body and also enjoys educating patients to help them meet their oral health goals. You may see her adventuring around Victoria on her commuter bike or hanging out with her mini-wiener dog.

This pandemic has been an unprecedented time. We have been hand scaling to keep your teeth and gums maintained while taking additional precautions to make sure everyone stays safe and healthy. Your understanding as we have been operating at a reduced capacity to accommodate additional infection control procedures has been incredible. Myself, Dr. Gaucher and the team have been working hard to determine how to safely reintroduce the use of cavitrons and air polishing with additional infection control measures to allow us to make sure we can perform our jobs to the highest clinical standard. You may notice some modifications to the clinical area over the next month including some plexiglass room dividers, additional air filtration units in each room and high-volume suction adapters for our hygienists. Our priority is your health and our hygienists will be happy to show the changes so you can feel confident and maybe even excited about your next cleaning (I am looking forward to mine).

PATIENT APPRECIATION FALL BASKET—We know this past year hasn’t been easy and to say thank you for being wonderful and adjusting to all the changes in stride. We will be having a fall basket giveaway with some goodies including an electric toothbrush and goods from various local businesses. When you are in for your next appointment please enter the draw- you deserve it!

SEPT 30- NATIONAL DAY FOR TRUTH & RECONCILIATION—We acknowledge and recognize the National Day for Truth & Reconciliation. On Sept 30th our office will be open and we will be wearing orange in recognition of the impact and history of residential schools in Canada. If you have any concerns please contact me at drlinton@happytreedental.ca

LAST, BUT NOT LEAST- HAPPYTREE DENTAL— Another change? Yes. But I think you will like it. The name of the practice will be changing to HappyTree Dental and the brand rollout will be happening over the next few months. HappyTree Dental is a lot easier to say than Dr. Hilary Linton and Dr. Christine Gaucher Family Dental and I think it reflects us both well. So- if you call the office and Carla or Sue mention HappyTree Dental- you are calling the right place! There will be more to come but I wanted to keep you all in the loop.

I think those are all the updates for now. If you have any questions about anything do not hesitate to get in touch with us—we appreciate you and your feedback. Don’t forget, parking changes take effect this coming Friday.

Have a wonderful week,

Hilary, Christine & the Team


Summer 2022 Newsletter